Antrim PTO By-Laws
The organization will be called the G. Harold Antrim Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization, also known as the Antrim PTO.
Section 1: The Parent-Teacher Organization exists to bring a closer relationship between the home and the school.
Section 2: The Antrim PTO shall work with the G. Harold Antrim Elementary School to provide quality education for all of its children.
Section 3: The Antrim PTO helps maintain and improve the standards of G. Harold Antrim Elementary School.
Section 4: The activities of the Antrim PTO include any that enable it to carry out its purposes.
Section 1: The Antrim PTO is non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profitable.
Section 2: The Antrim PTO shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof.
Section 3: The policies of the Antrim PTO shall not direct nor control the administrative activities of the G. Harold Antrim Elementary School.
Section 4: Any expenditure(s) in excess of the monetary cap of $200.00 for matters not included in the budget approved by the membership at the beginning of the academic year must be presented to the PTO membership for approval. A simple majority of the membership must be in agreement. In the event the executive board wishes to increase the amount of the monetary cap for the remainder of the academic year, the request shall be presented to the membership at the time of the Budget review. Financial decisions in excess of the predetermined monetary cap may be made by a polling of the voting members. A simple majority of the membership must be in agreement.
Section 1: The term of membership is from October 1 to September 30.
Section 2 : Any parent, guardian, other adult standing in “loco parentis” or friend of a student at G. Harold Antrim School is eligible to be a member.
Section 3. All members of the school staff are eligible for membership.
Section 4: The Principal of G. Harold Antrim Elementary School or a designated representative is a member of the Antrim PTO.
Section 5: An annual enrollment of members will be conducted in September and October.
Section 6: Members may be admitted at any time upon payment of dues.
Section 7: Types of Membership
Honorary and Lifetime Membership may be elected by the members of the Antrim PTO. {No voting privileges, unless they meet the criteria for a member in good standing}
Friends of Antrim {non-voting} will comprise of members of the community who have contributed to the events sponsored by the Antrim PTO which have had a significant impact on the children of Antrim School, but have not met the criteria for member in good standing.
Voting members are members who have paid their yearly dues and meet the criteria to be a member in good standing.
Section 8: To qualify as a member in good standing, each member is required to pay annual dues to the Antrim PTO and serve on at least one committee and attend at least 1 general membership meeting each trimester. [The trimesters are September, October, November; December, January, February; and March, April, May. The June meeting is not included in a trimester but may be the meeting where a majority of votes on such items as Gift Committee may be held.] Family Membership requires that dues are paid yearly; at least one family member has served on a committee and attended a meeting per trimester, but not necessarily the member at the time of a vote.
Section 9: No parent or legal guardian shall be denied the right to become a member of the Antrim PTO due to financial hardship.
Section 1: Membership dues shall be established by the Executive Board.
Section 2: Upon recommendation of the Executive Board, membership dues may be raised by a majority vote of the Antrim PTO members in good standing.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall establish a procedure for alternative payments or waivers for parents or legal guardians who have expressed interest in becoming a member of the Antrim PTO.
Section 1: The Executive Officers of the Antrim PTO are two (2) Co-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. In order to provide continuity of leadership, the terms of office of the Executive Board shall be staggered. One Co-President’s term will begin on an even numbered year and the other Co-President’s term will begin on an odd year. The Corresponding Secretary’s term will begin on an even year. The Recording Secretary’s term of office will begin on an odd year. The Treasurer’s term will begin on an odd year These officers will perform the duties of these bylaws which are described in Article VI Section 7.
Section 2: All officers serve for a two-year (2) term. No officer will be elected to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms on the PTO Board. In the Event no candidate comes forward, the membership may approve an extension of the term of service recommended by the nominating committee.
Section 3: Any member in good standing is eligible for any elected office.
Section 4: Officers will be elected by secret ballot at the last Antrim PTO meeting of the school year and will assume their responsibilities at that time. In the event of an uncontested election, no ballot will be necessary; a motion will be made and adopted by a majority vote to elect the nominee to the position.
Section 5: A vacancy occurring in an office is to be filled for the remainder of the term by a person elected by a majority of the remaining members.
Section 6: The nominating committee shall consist of up to 7 members. The members will appoint a chairperson to head the committee.
Section 7: After the nominating committee presents the candidates to the membership, each candidate must accept his/her nomination. Acceptance of the nomination must be made either in person at the May meeting or in writing within 24 hours of the nomination. The written acceptance shall be sent to the Corresponding Secretary.
Section 8: Duties of Officers
1. Shall preside or alternately preside at all general member meetings and Executive Board meetings of the organization.
2. Shall, serve as an official representative of the organization.
3. Shall be a member of the Executive Board.
4. Shall report at each meeting verbally and prepare an annual written report.
5. Shall define the functions of all committees and serves as an ex officio member of all committees as specified in these bylaws except the nominating committee.
6. Shall work with the Corresponding Secretary to prepare the agenda for the meetings.
7. Shall coordinate the work of the officers and committee chairs in order that the objectives/mission of the organization may be promoted.
8. Shall divide their duties {to be determined by the Co-Presidents
Recording Secretary:
1. Shall be a member of the Executive Board.
2. Shall prepare the official list of the members including a list of the lifetime/honorary members and distribute said list at the November meeting to the members, those members, who have consented in writing to share all/some of their personal data {i.e.: name, address, phone number, email address}
3. Shall keep record of attendance at general member meetings and along with the Corresponding Secretary, keep record of members voting eligibility.
4. Shall record the minutes of all general member meetings and Executive Board meetings.
5. Shall maintain and update the Minutes Book.
6. Shall post a copy of the typed minutes of each monthly general meeting on the PTO bulletin board.
Corresponding Secretary:
1. Shall be a member of the Executive Board.
2. Shall work with the Co-Presidents to prepare the agenda.
3. Shall send out notices of the meetings.
4. Shall handle the general correspondences of the organization.
5. Shall distribute to the members the packet of material for the general member meeting, including the agenda.
6. Shall have access to all the governing documents of the organization.
7. Shall have a list of the current member, the current committees, their chairs and committee members.
8. Along with the Recording Secretary, Shall keep record of members voting eligibility.
9. Shall produce a PTO newsletter for the Wednesday Envelope and maintain the PTO Bulletin Board.
1. Shall be a member of the Executive Board.
2. Shall be the chair of the Budget Committee
3. Shall be the Custodian of the funds of the organization
4. Shall receive all monies, receipts and request for funds.
5. Shall deposit funds as designated by the organization.
6. Shall dispense funds as designated by the organization.
7. Shall maintain accurate records of all monies received and dispensed.
8. Shall make regular reports to the members.
9. Shall have Treasurers Records audited annually and at the end of each school year or upon election of a new Treasurer, to certify the accuracy of the financial records, to examine current accounting procedures of the organization and to recommend improvements.
Section 1: The Executive Board Officers of the Antrim PTO are 2 Co-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The principal of G. Harold Antrim School shall serve as ex-officio.
Section 2: The executive Board shall meet prior to each general members meeting throughout the school year and during Intervals between the general membership meetings as deemed necessary with adequate notice of two (2) days in advance.
Section 3: An Executive Board member who is absent from three consecutive PTO membership meetings or more than half of the total number of meetings, without adequate excuse, will no longer serve on the Executive Board. Board members who cannot attend regular or special meetings are to notify the Corresponding Secretary of an anticipated absence prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 4: A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Board will constitute a quorum.
Section 5: The Executive Board has the power to make special or emergency financial decisions within the boundaries described within the policies of these bylaws.
Section 6: The Executive Board shall execute telephone polling and report the results at the next general membership meeting.
Section 7: The Executive Board has the authority to reassign job duties as required.
Section 8: The Executive Board shall manage the affairs, activities and operations of the organization.
Section 9: The Executive Board shall create standing and special committees.
Section 10: The Executive Board shall approve the plans and works of all standing and/or special committees.
Section 11: The Executive Board shall maintain a central file of all committees’ procedural notes, plans and documents for use in implementing future committee functions.
Section 12: The Executive Board shall present a report of plans, projects, activities, etc. at general membership meetings.
Section 13: The Executive Board shall select an auditor/auditing committee to audit Treasurer’s Accounts at the end of each school year and upon the election of a new Treasurer.
Section 14: The Executive Board shall prepare and submit to the general members for adoption, a detailed budget for the upcoming year.
Regular Meetings
Section1: The Antrim PTO conducts regular monthly meetings and will hold at least ten (10) meetings each school year.
Section 2: The Executive Board conducts regular monthly meetings and will hold at least (10) meetings each school year.
Section 3: A sign-in sheet for attendance is required at all meetings. The Recording Secretary will maintain the attendance sheet with the meeting minutes.
Section 4: Prior to each Antrim PTO membership meeting, all requests to be placed on the agenda will be made by the Friday prior to the monthly meeting.
Section 5: Prior to each Antrim PTO membership meeting, the agenda will be posted at least two (2) days prior to the meeting.
Section 6: The agenda will contain the following but not limited to:
Old Business
President's report
Corresponding Secretary's report
Treasurer's report
Committees report
New Business
Section 7: Special Meetings
a. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Co-Presidents with at least two (2) days notice. The purpose of the meeting is to be stated in the call. The call can either be made in person, by telephone or by e-mail.
b. Special meetings of the Antrim PTO members may be called by the President, by the Executive Board or by a quorum of members with a written request including the reason for the meeting.
Section 1: Committees are attached as Attachment A. To promote the objectives and interests of the Antrim PTO, other committees may be created as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Each committee determines its chairperson or co-chairpersons.
Section 2: The chair of each committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval. The chair of each committee will collect receipts/bills to the Treasurer for disposition. Emergency financial decisions are subject to the stipulation defined in Article III, Section 5. All committee procedural notes, plans, and documents are to be maintained in a central PTO file for use in implementing future committee functions.
Section 3: Committees are authorized to expend funds only to the limit given to it by the members at a regular meeting or by the outlined emergency procedures.
Section 4: The Co-presidents shall be member ex-officio of all committees, except the Nominating Committee and the Bylaws committee.
Section 5: Chairperson shall serve in the same office for two (2) consecutive years. Assignments will be reviewed by the Executive Board to determine if a new chairperson should be assigned.
Section 6: Any member may serve as chairperson.
Section 1: Every member in good standing is entitled to one (1) vote. Honorary and Lifetime members do not have voting rights, unless they are also members in good standing. In the event of a tie, the Co-Presidents have a total of one vote to break the tie.
Section 2: At all scheduled business meetings, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Executive Board, at least one committee chairperson, and all voting members who are present.
Section 3: A majority consists of at least one more than half of the voting members present.
Section 4: No question or transaction of general business will be answered or decided without the presence of a quorum.
Section 5: A decision requires a majority vote of the quorum except for amendments to the Bylaws.
Section 6: The majority of matters must be voted upon during a regularly scheduled meeting of the PTO members. Members will be given 48 hours notice of any matter to be voted upon including the details of the matter being voted on. However, during the summer months and other periods of school vacation, voting of the PTO members may be conducted by e-mail or by telephone call. In addition, votes necessary as a result of a special meeting may also be conducted by e-mail or telephone call. Whenever a vote is conducted by e-mail or by telephone call, the voting members will be given at least 72 hours from the time they are provided with all information necessary to cast their vote and the deadline for the vote . [Note that the time starts when the information is sent and not when the message is received/retrieved]
The Antrim PTO is governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases where applicable and not in conflict with these Bylaws.
Section 1: The Bylaws may be amended at any regular monthly meeting by a two-third vote assuming there is a quorum. The proposed amendments must be announced and presented in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Section 1: The Antrim PTO may be dissolved with fourteen days previous written notice and announcement. Two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at a special meeting will dissolve the Antrim PTO.
Section 2: Upon dissolution of the Antrim PTO, after paying debts and obligations of this organization, the remaining assets of Antrim PTO will be distributed to an educational foundation such as the Point Pleasant Beach Public Education Foundation, as long as they remain tax-exempt, and meet IRS and other federal regulations that apply to the original organization.
G. Harold Antrim PTO Bylaws revised on March 1, 2011
By-Laws Committee Chairperson: Suzanne Toohey